• About the Southwest USA,  Southwest Indian Pottery

    Collecting And Valuing Southwest Pottery

    Collecting and Valuing Southwest Pottery Collecting and Valuing Southwest Pottery 1. Identifying Authentic Southwest Pottery Provenance Howdy partners! Welcome to a thrilling escapade in the wonderful world of southwestern ceramic marvels. Today, we will be doing a bit of detective work. Yes, that’s right. We will delve into the skill of determining the provenance of Southwest pottery. Now, in case you are wondering, provenance is not an Australian province, a rare species of marsupial, or a type of rich dessert. Provenance, in the art world, refers to the chronology of the ownership, custody or location of a historical artifact. Understanding the provenance gives credibility to the artifact and vivifies its…

  • About the Southwest USA

    The Influence Of Indigenous Art On Sculpture

    The Influence of Indigenous Art on Sculpture The Influence of Indigenous Art on Sculpture 1. Impact of Indigenous symbolism on modern sculpture Title: Romancing the Stones: The Intriguing Impact of Indigenous Symbolism on Modern Sculpture Imagine a world where our modern works of art are as striking as a sunburned zebra in neon disco pants. That is what the art of sculpture looks like today, having got into a spicy salsa dance with the symbolism of indigenous cultures. This union of old school cool and new wave rebels has leapt out of the predictable shadows and into a striking spotlight of cultural significances and artistic daring-dos. For anyone just casually…