• Southwest USA Shopping,  Southwestern Textiles

    The Role Of Scarves In Southwestern Fashion

    The Role of Scarves in Southwestern Fashion The Role of Scarves in Southwestern Fashion 1. Traditional Uses of Scarves in Southwestern Attire Title: Swingin’ Scarves and Southwestern Style: A Colorful Spin on Tradition Let’s mosey on down to the southwestern side of the U.S., home of not only the finest chili con carne and panoramic sunsets imaginable, but also an iconic fashion sensibility, as distinctive as a coyote’s call on a moonlit mesa. We’re talking about southwestern attire, folks—and the star accessory that gives it such nuanced flair: the humble scarf. Now, don’t go thinkin’ we’re about to delve into how Aunt Martha uses her scarves to battle the bracing…

  • Southwest Themed Wall Art

    The Art Of Southwestern Landscaping

    The Art of Southwestern Landscaping The Art of Southwestern Landscaping 1. Indigenous plant species in Southwestern landscaping While the words “southwestern landscaping” might conjure up images of tumbleweeds rolling across desolate landscapes, as any self-respecting desert gardener knows, southwestern gardens are anything but barren. Yes, it’s true, we desert dwellers don’t have the luxury of endless rain and mild seasonal temperatures. But let’s face it, we’ve got something unique – a plethora of indigenous plant species. Before we delve into the fantastical flora of the Southwest, let me clear up the tumbleweed myth. They’re as native to the Southwest as polar bears. Nope, they were unwanted stowaways on a flaxseed…